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Design your products

Product Wrapper

Smootify leverages custom DOM elements. These elements are used to define dynamic part of your website. Let’s introduce the most important one.

Product Wrapper

The whole magic of Smootify is done by this DOM element. The product wrapper basically defines the context of your design and connects it to a Shopify product. Every elements need that is connected to a product must be inside this DOM element.

product wrapper

This element defines the context and loads the data of a specific product that is selected using a Custom Attribute. Which name is data-id and the value should be connected to the Shopify ID of your CMS product collection.

custom attribute

You have to add this element inside Collection Lists to create lists of products, and you have to use this element in the Product page template. Do never forget to add this element and connect the data-id attribute, otherwise all dynamic functions will not work!

Product Wrapper

Copy Webflow element

Note on DOM elements

Webflow doesn’t apply classes to custom DOM Elements, so do not style them directly, always add a div (or any other element you like) inside the DOM Element.

Dynamic Products

There are some use-cases where you need to load up products directly from Shopify Storefront APIs.

Best Sellers

Sales data cannot be imported into Webflow CMS, so to create a list of products that are sorted by the sales numbers, you need to use a static Product Wrapper not connected to Webflow CMS. To achieve this functionality, you just need to use a special data-id Custom Attribute on the product wrapper.


The product wrapper will be repeated and duplicated automatically based on the response from Shopify storefront APIs. By default it will fetch latest 3 products, but you can change this limit by adding another Custom Attribute


Latest created

Webflow CMS creation and update Date will not correspond to Shopify Dates, so if you want to show up effectively the correct latest created products you need to use a static Product Wrapper not connected to Webflow CMS. To achieve this functionality, you just need to use a special data-id Custom Attribute on the product wrapper.


The product wrapper will be repeated and duplicated automatically based on the response from Shopify storefront APIs. By default it will fetch latest 3 products, but you can change this limit by adding another Custom Attribute
